2012 Ft. Pierce Green Market Day

What an amazing journey I'm on. ...

 The farm ~Goodness Gracious Acres came about after my first purchase of some goats. Samson and Delilah to keep my horses company. They were just amazing. I drove 10 hours to go pick them up. And I bottle fed them, what an eye opener. This was back in 2004. I have been milking and selling goat's milk for over 20 years.

Delilah was my very first goat and the best herd queen. She was my teacher, friend, loyal employee, doting mother, milker extraordinaire, and major pain in the butt. Her children live on in the herd and they are very much just like Delilah. She was oh, so very special in so many ways.

The goats take up 90% of my life. The care and husbandry is daunting. And anyone getting into goats should realize these are NOT easy animals to have. Not if you plan to do it right. I LOVE the challenge of dairying, and goats in general. Nubians are the most challenging of all the breeds and why I'm attracted to them. If you have researched the breed, it goes without saying, their milk is superb tasting and has one of the highest butterfat contents. Excellent for drinking and making cheese.

My life is surrounded by animals. Parrots in the house. Bunnies. Pot belly pig. Miniature horse. Chickens. Turkeys. Dogs. Cats. At this time the goats pay for themselves and the care and feeding of the rest. The sale of soap, milk, or cheese is how we can keep all these animals.

I have a passion for all things creative. I have been in the design and advertising field for over 35 years as art director, creative director, graphic designer... My office is here at home. This is also, what pays the bills. Periodically, my work pops up on this blog, but mostly its about the animals, and to document life at GGA and this amazing journey I'm taking with my goats.

My passion for the goats are what keep me laughing, wake up at ungodly hours, keeps me from being totally irresponsible, and grounds me. It teaches me patience. Working in Corporate America never did. And so very lucky I can work and play intertwined like this.

Delilah's Dairy started when the goats milk got too much. Oh, do I loathe throwing away surplus. And started to look into selling milk, and learning to make soap. Delilah's Dairy Goat Milk Soap  is the dairy business name.

There it is my life in a nutshell. I'm a city girl gone country.  Simple living. Design maven. Resident goat milker. Maker of soap. Seems so simple in writing. There is nothing simple about raising animals. I just learned the more you do it, the easier it looks.
