
Happy 2025 update



Things are starting to look up on the farm front. Keeps my mind off the rest of the country problems. 

2020 i was sick. and it lasted years, and still remnants of it today. It doesn't help that *gasp* i'm turning 60 this year.  So, I honestly, have no idea what is age related vs. covid relate. 60 ...  How did that happen?  And true to that - things are a bit slower and not as much gets done in the time frame it used to. 

Two goats just kidded. and they were a handful. They were both born in 2021-2022 time frame and dam raised. (raised by their moms). During that time frame i was barely keeping myself alive - not enough time and energy to have consistent hands on with the goat kids that were born that year. And wow. Never again will I dam raise. These two are slowly coming around but, not before they try to kill me. 

Both of them have collars and long leads on right now -- to catch. And even one has a broken leg and still a fighter. Once on the stand they are champs. They tuck in and let me milk them effortlessly ... but getting them on that stand....nightmare. I suspect it will become easier the more we do it. 

They used to run when i got too close. Now with some TLC i can pet and massage with out a rodeo ensuing. One of them even came up to me today for a pet. nice!

Winston my little Nigerian Dwarf bred them. So the babies are tiny. So cute. So not what i want to continue the herd genetics. I hope he didn't get the others still bred. 

5 of them. 5 more to kid soon. Not too soon. Next week would be good. This gives me time to settle these two. Get the milk supply up and running. and get everything organized again. The others have no issues. all wonderful milkers. Old hats. 

It is taking about 2 hours in the morning. and 2 in the evening for the milking and feeding of babies. Everything has to be just right. Feed in the bucket stand. Milk pails clean and sanitized. the milk room clean and while the actual milking part only takes minutes. The prep always takes longer.  I'm down two fridges. I got rid of them during the pandemic. I see now i might need them again. We'll see. 

The babies. How sweet. I've never kidded out such small kids before. But already turning into mini piranhas only after 4 days. 


The best part of this life is the ability to have all these farm animals. And the chickens need so little care  and they're thriving. I took in 12 a couple years ago and they're laying great. But, it is time for a new delivery of some chicks and will be ordering from McMurray soon. 

Right now as the stores are limiting egg quantity purchases, i foresee it not getting better any time soon. Getting an order in now will have laying hens in about 4-5 months. And will be in full swing with milking the girls and having eggs as well. 

As Always, I write to remind myself what i'm doing. and the ability to look back on all this.. 

Gotta #lovefarmlife

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