
Ok! I admit it...

I admit it.... I've missed  you!

I have air conditioning!

Yes... a couple weeks ago, friends saw my facebook post on mentioning August would be 4 years without it. Yes, 4 years of no air conditioning.

Mostly, because it was un-affordable. Then it just died from lack of use. Then it was just too costly to fix. Then it was just not a big deal most of the year (heat still worked). So, 4 years passed. I was so proud of myself. They called and said you're crazy! We have a system here just let us install it!

It was only THIS YEAR that it became problematic. Our weather is changing, slowly, hotter, every year. I would normally only be uncomfortable a few days of July, most of August. This year NOT. April started to be the problem month. June, July, August was unbearable.

I'm so thankful to MH and her husband. So, So, So... thankful. He came and installed -a tossed out from another house- fan box. Fixed a few things in the air handler. Changed out the thermostat. And I have AIR!

A couple things to note. My nose is killing me. The forced air is creating a problem with my nose. Lack of Humidity But other then that? I'm sleeping better. That cascades into more energy to a myriad of other benefits. Heck just having a nicely made up bed with my duvet and pillow makes me feel all girly!

So.... Ok..... I admit it! 


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