Language in the PBC zoning related to Livestock 2) Accessory Structures.
This needs to come out. Read c).
This means you can NOT utilize your front yard for livestock buildings.
This reduces your land use even further.
Keep in mind most properties in the AR district are 1.25 acres.
This is taken from our ULDC zoning manual
All properties have a home/well/septic/well pumps/drainage fields.
Most properties have trees, native foliage, patios, pools, driveways.
Once all that is taken into consideration the front yards and side yards as well the backyard areas all should be allowed livestock use.
The way the ordinance reads, you can't contain an animal in the front yard, but they can run loose anywhere. Loose is not proper animal maintenance.
The well should have at least a 25ft diameter of non use. Its just good manure/nature management.
Septic tank is concrete. Having livestock continuously on it is detrimental to the tank.
Drainage field is where the septic drains. This too is not a good place to house animals. The drainage field is pipes that are set 6 inches below the surface of the soil.
With the easements unusable and adding Front and Side yard rules. And now any setback requirements that "Shall not be utilized in a manner that creates a nuisance for adjacent property owners such as containing animals in a limited area next to the property line." where exactly should one house their animals? This is burdensome, limiting, and to accommodate rules might have to tear down NATIVE trees (slash pines are restricted to cut btw) shrubs etc. This property below has ALL native slash pines.
Actual photo click here.
Below is an diagram of my property:
This is an example of my back yard. Slash pines are not allowed to be removed. Nor would i want to. It adds personality. Shade. Natural habitats for birds. As well as roosting places for native birds at night.
Point is EACH property is different. There is no way to "unify" the rules for livestock keeping.
Each property has the house in a different place. The yards are different. The amount of trees are different. Wells are place in different places as are septics.
The homes are not unified nor should the codes be.
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