
Antonio Ballatore


Where for art thou!

I'm looking for an email addy and i can't find.

I wanted to invite him to come re-do MY house. what an undertaking that would be, huh? Potterer, soapmaker, graphic designer, artist, resident goat milker, milkroom, art studio, animal fixer upper, parrot enclave all rolled into one. This task is so daunting even i have no idea where to start. And I live here. I guess thats the rub, those that are in the design field of some sort are either SO over the top creative at home, or like me, so over the top stagnating in my own confusion, nothing ever gets done.

If you haven't ever seen HGTV's Design Star series no worries as the WINNER gets their own show. And this winner is like NO OTHER. He is a mix of biker bad, with eclectic chic all rolled into one. I watched the show last night in awe {The Antonio Project} and all i kept thinking was come here, help me, I know he'd figure something out. He's just WAY TOO COOL. You  need to see how he took one artistic field (detailing and airbrushing) and re-invented it in his bedroom. Stellar. I've watched these shows for 3 seasons, never once thinking YOU! HERE! NOW! pretty please? All the soap and cheese you want for life.

Antonio, if you are out there PLEASE, HELP! Trust me this will be like no other redo. I have 2 bedrooms just rotting away, too small to do anything with. One houses my soap that is curing, and the other i toss relatives in. Neither of which are comfy, or designed, nor can fit anything more then a single bed. Then i have two macaws in the main part of the house whose cages now take up the place where my dining room table used to go. They are too important to move anywhere else (the birds not the cages). My kitchen which has 3 faces is where i clean my milk, make cheese and soap, and on occasion try to eat. What an ordeal that is when i want to make soap and milk in the same day (or pasta). Each of these endeavors has their own tools, pots, utensil and so on. Just the other day i poured my pasta into my soap pot. NOT FUN!

My garage? well the chickens like to lay eggs in there. Its also where my pottery wheel resides, my drafting table, my washer/dryer and the myriad of art, paper, design supplies plus 20 years of work. Oh! and its also where i milk my goats and house my freezer for the milk. Which is now i see not big enough. (Thats my next purchase another fridge just for the milk and cheese making). My grandmothers china cabinet is in the garage, as there is no other place in the house. My office? Well at least i found a place for my dining room table. My computer sits on it. I have too many things going on in a house that is meant for someone without anything going on. Last year i built walls onto the patio, so now i don't even have a place to sit and enjoy the animals any longer while outside. I was thinking of parking my butt outside a Home Depot to get the attention of another show host who focuses on backyard living. :) But what Home Depot is the question.

Yep! i'm a mess. But at least an eclectic one. One whose house is not so much a show piece but, every once in awhile wishes it was. And i admit it, i need help. The hobbies, businesses, and animals are just taking over my life. When i want to be alone? (which is funny as i am always alone) I go into my bedroom, shut the door, and watch TV. The only room in the house i use with efficiency is this one- the office. And if this letter finds you? Then this room is well worth that cost.

So Antonio, I think you are fabulous. The show I watched last night showed more talent, and more cool ideas in one show than I have ever witnessed. Wouldn't you like to see what you could do with a house -housing designer/goat herder/artist?  3 businesses rolled into one?

Here are some photos of life....

In the kitchen making soap. This  is my pal Kathy sometimes
she comes over and we experiment with soap ideas.

Same kitchen when a goat is sick.

Same kitchen when i'm trying to cook, clean the milk pails.

This is my dining room.

therefore this is where i must entertain. On the Driveway!

Sometimes this happens. :)

New office built on to patio.

Kitchen when its "clean".

This was a great idea. I'm just stumped at whats next.

Any ideas anyone? Is there any hope for me?
the internally designed challenged?
Only when it comes to MY house. and MY space
do i just not know what to do next.

antonio, antonio, where fore art thou?


  1. Ok .... I came across your blog quite by accident tonight and I feel like Im looking at me!!!
    I just cant get enough of the little kids on the couch for Petes sake!! ADORABLE!!!
    I'll be back later when I have more time..
    What a pleasant surprise!!


  2. Welcome Melinda! i hope you're disorganized, chaotic life is filled with animals. :) as that i find is a good excuse to tell the masses why i'm like this. haha.

  3. Oh man, I love that your kitchen looks the same as mine when it's "clean". :D

  4. really? so nice to know i'm not alone. That really is "clean". It was taken the month i had the cleaning crew come.


  5. You're not alone. My home is disorganized and cluttered. I bought the house a year ago, and have barely started unpacking. I'm overrun with animals, and I, too, retreat to the bedroom to "be alone" in my house of critters. But you have a much cooler setup (with the fenced in areas and obviously much looser restrictions on farm animals than we have here), and adorable furry "kids"!


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