

OK! i admit it... I watch Oprah. Yes. I can't help it. I work from home. I take my breaks around 3 ish and watch.

Today's episode was so very important.

Important enough for me to come out of the closet for Oprah. So sue me. I like her. I like the fact that Oprah is another single person. I like how it doesn't bother her to be single. I like how she is always a do-gooder. I like how she organizes her shows in such a way to always work out great. And this one is no different. I really like the topics she is addressing lately. Maybe i'm just getting older. But they always seem to be really good.

Today's show will hopefully never be me. But it is in some ways. When it comes to money i'm not the best at saving.Yes, i get by. But sometimes? well lets say i don't do the smartest of things to achieve this. I could one day be just like Sylvia.

This woman interviewed, Sylvia, was left with nothing after her husband canceled the life insurance policy, put them in total debt, and then killed himself. Leaving her and their 4 children penniless. ZERO MONEY> WOW! what a bastard. But i know the type all too well. Total control freak. His last ditch effort of total control. Well boohoo for him is all i can say. Because Sylvia is back on track with the help of Suze and Oprah and her family.

And This is why i say Thank you Suze Orman for this show today.
I like her, too. I like her shutzpa. I like the way she talks. And thinks. And especially how she just lays it all out on the line. And lays it out good. No beating around the bush here. And today we got to see another side of her. And i like how she puts it bluntly to women, take care of your OWN finances. None of this let the husband worry about it. YOU! worry about it. YOU be in control of it. If you can't? then to me that is giant red flag that something is seriously wrong with a marriage.

Just yesterday, i was purchasing a few books i've been meaning to read. I really couldn't afford to buy them but i bought the used versions on Amazon. They should be here this week. But as i was watching Oprah i thought ok one more isn't going to kill me. I want to buy this book. Suze Orman's, "Women & Money". I need it. I deserve it. I really, really need to read it.

But the coolest thing happened. Oprah proclaims that we the viewers, sitting at home get to download the book for free. FOR FREE! wow. I didn't even wait till the end of the show to go download it. I also couldn't wait till tomorrow to post in case one of you reading this might be needing to read this book, too!
Thank you Suze Orman!

And this too ties in some way to this SINGLISM and the whole being single thang. If i don't take care of me. And i don't take care of my money. There ain't no one else out there to do it for me.


  1. Jojo, that is SO cool! So, did you just go to the Oprah website and download? Is it on the Suze Ormond website?

    I have a girlfriend that NEEDS, NEEDS, NEEDS this book!

  2. yes its on the oprah website. Catch is you MUST download it before 5pm this evening. Makes sense! by this time tomorrow the whole world would be savvy and then...

    Good luck to your friend. I'm reading the book now, and it's a simple really good read.

  3. AnonymousJuly 28, 2008

    I just finished this book and it was fantastic. I feel like it has helped me so much already.

    I would definitely recommend it. 5 Stars!


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